Othrys Investment management
Othrys Investment Management is a Portfolio Management Company approved by the AMF on July 20, 2020 under number GP 200000-20.
Othrys Investment Management is a simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 210,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Paris under number 819 455 643.
Office: 34 rue Tronchet 75009 Paris.
Telephone: +33 (0) 1 76 21 76 18.
Email : .
The website (the “Site”) is published by the company Othrys Investment Management.
The Site is hosted by Wix Online Platform Limited, located at 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.
The publication director is Mr. Arnaud CLAOUE, Managing Director of Othrys Investment Management.
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